Rattle Bombs make Kustom Paint easy for anyone and provides hassle free finishes for newbies and pros alike. Choose one of our pre-made Rattle Bomb Kits or select Rattle Bombs individually and build your own paint scheme.

Here's how the system works:

Choose a Flake and grab it’s corresponding Basecoat for a bright look or go with Skidmark Black Base for a darker, high contrast look. Apply Kandy to make the color more vivid and to add depth and then finish with Clearcoat. Go with Pearl if you want a finer sparkle or forgo Flake and Pearl and just apply Kandy over Basecoat! The options are endless! Different Base and Kandy combos provide a variety of finishes. Try our All-In-1 Vunderbombs for a super sparkly look with less steps! Swing by the Prep ‘n Finish section for your Primer and Top Coat!

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